Designing and marketing your website online is only one-half of the coin! You have, another half of the coin too to make your site more social and enjoy the success you dreamt of. Web sites that append social media sharing and customer interaction attract more traffic than those that do not. Why? Because they permit users to engage with their brand. Plus, websites that can be easily shared through social networks have a greater chance of being seen. Luckily, there are some things you can do make your website more connected and engaging.
To make your website more social, consider these tips for going beyond buttons:
Social Plugins
If you’ve surfed the web, you most likely have seen plug-ins on websites that stream data about the company on various social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin. For example, it may show their most recent tweet or how many people are following them. These plug-ins are accessible from varied social networking websites and are displayed by placing the scripts within the code of your website. Having your company’s most recent post, tweet or status update can provide real-time content for the visitors.
Sharing Blog
A blog is a must for your website. Why? Because it lets you keep your website updated with trending topics. Most importantly, blogs allow you to add keywords to your website. Although it’s helpful to allow people to know about your company updates. Your blog posts should supply visitors with helpful data and tips related to your firm.
Comments And Feedback
letting your visitors leave your feedback about your services and website is a great way to find out what you can do to clarify your business. The client created content can provide answers and information to other users on your website. Just be sure to regularly observe what’s being posted.
Engaging With Users
Don’t expect that users to your website are going to find what they are looking for. Many websites now have Live Chat features that let you engage with your visitors. They may have a question about the service that they can’t get an answer to on your website. Giving your website a live person and voice make it seem alive and can help you convert more visitors into customers.
About the Author: MANJU is a Content Writer at Code9 Technologies, a Web design company in Cochin, Kerala. She is well-experienced in Web design and also a passionate about music, reading. She also works on some freelance marketplaces like Walk in Medical clinic Calgary.