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Does Your Website Need a Mobile Makeover?
Does Your Website Need a Mobile Makeover?
By Admin

If you are like the normal tech lovers around the world, then the mobile is something you just can’t live without!

In a world that is always on the move, the mobile is the new reliable companion for personal and business uses. Today, from basic essential shopping, replying mails, seeking jobs, to education and business, we sought the help of a website. As per the research, it has been found that more than 60 % of the people in the urban living zones are living straight out of their mobile.


Credibility attained seamlessly

When you have a mobile friendly website, it helps create the trust factor between the clients, and the business influencers. Once a customer enters a website via a mobile, it is the experience that counts a lot. From fast view ability, to easy navigability, and interaction with the staff – makes the company more accountable.

Once they have comfortable within the mobile experience, each customer will be sure to revisit the website soon. But in case, they did not like the experience – you would soon find them straying away to other mobile websites.


Following the Google Algorithm

If you have a website, you surely know how hard it is to get noticed in the massive crowd of websites. Back in the early 2000s, when websites were still flourishing Google had given a lot of priority for websites that had clean codes and had useful content.

Google will judge how worthy your website is to be shown on the search list. If a website is optimized to be mobile friendly, then you can be at peace, that there is a huge chance that Google would consider your website.


A Growing customer base is needed

A website is the first and most impressive communication platform for a company or an institution to a probable customer.  When you consider making a website, make sure that it is a responsive website. Along with making a website responsive, make sure that it looks attractive and functions smoothly.

Once the look is stylish and pleasing to the viewer, every visitor will love to come back to website, read blogs, see your videos, and even interact with your sessions. This positive vibe can be experienced only if you do things – the way a viewer wants. At present, the mobile view rules the show. So, follow that trend!

As per the Google mantra, if people like the website, it will help push forward the website right to the top of the Google searches. So, your homework is already half done!


Convenience Factor

As the world moves into a timeline when people like to get things fast in the most hassle free manner, every website should also fine tune the virtual interface in that light of thought.

In the modern era, people love to interact, post photos, talk to people, get likes, have their profiles shared, in the most easiest manner. For this you can find the evidence through some of the most famous websites.


What are the factors to be considered while making a Mobile Makeover for your website?

You must have got an idea on why you need an immediate mobile makeover for your website. Now, if you are convinced by the need of the business hour, then I love to explain all the factors that would help you make the perfect mobile friendly website. Here, below, seven magic points have been scribbled down for you. This would make your research and shift from the desktop to the mobile much easier. So, let’s begin.


Content that Strikes!

If technological knowledge is what your website deals with, understand some of the most frequent doubts that are raised by people. It could be related to gadgets, apps, tech related hacks or some latest release of a smartphone. Whatever be the content, make sure that they can understand.


Scroll like wind

Now, move back and compare that unorganized home to your website. If you do not keep it simple, a viewer will not know where to hunt for the things. Make sure all your tags are correctly placed on each page. Also, ensure that the back links, and the landing page will lead them to the page within just a click.

If the person seems to have a confusing experience on your platform, you can be pretty sure that this would end up in a lousy bounce episode.

And mind you, Google takes that bounce rate pretty seriously – so let that not happen!


Sustainable navigational pleasure

When a viewer enters your website, they need to know how to trace back to the place that they entered from. This is highly essential, as that was the attractive entry point for them.

When you talk about navigation, it does not mean the concept of just moving around in a site, but that the road map in the site should be clear for the person. If not, that would make them get out of the website in an instant.

Hence, be free to think like a customer, get creative and let the navigation feel like fun.


Interaction is rather cute!

The last one magic trick to attaining a great mobile makeover for the website is that you need an exciting interactive session in the website. This means, you could include cute chatbots to answer their queries.

Plus, give in a pop up quiz for them to ponder, answer and linger on the website. This is said to be creative and will surely be entertaining for a person of any age.

Interaction needs to be short, crisp and something that is related to the topic on the page. Again, the main mantra is getting creative.

So, try these hints and tricks and see how your website will see more visits in the near future.

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